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RtBot framework is divided into a set of modules: core, api and std ones. This list is likely to grow in the future and users can also extend it with their own private business model specific ones.

The core module contains the general definitions and it does not depend on any other. You can write a program using only the core module, but you will have to write it in c++ and explicitly construct the operators and their connections.

The api module allows users to easily interact with the core module. For instance it can read RtBot programs saved in json format and construct the correspondent internal pipeline of operators at runtime. In this module is also where the external bindings are defined, giving a simplified api to run programs. If you are developing a web or desktop app, or even a mobile app, you will likely use this module. On the other hand, if you are building an embedded application for a microcontroller, including this module in your build will cause a large binary output that probably won’t fit on the device. In this case you will have to rely only on the core and std modules to make sure you produce binaries small enough.

The std module represents a standard library of commonly used operators that can be used to build programs. Operators defined here are general purpose ones, like the inputs, resampler or finite response operators, which are ubiquitous used in any kinds of input signals. In practice this module and the core one will be the minimal components you will need in order to create some non trivial program.