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Inputs: i1...iN where N defined by numPorts
Outputs: o1...oN where N defined by numPorts

The Join operator is used to synchronize two or more incoming message streams into a single, consistent output.

The Join operator holds a message buffer on i1, i2, ... , iN respectively, it uses the message time field to synchronize the streams and pick 1 message per input port. If at least one of the message buffer is empty or a message with the expected time can not be found on one of the buffers then the synchronization will not occur. When synchronization occurs messages with older timestamps than the synchronization time are discarded since it is understood that they can not be synchronized in the future. The Join operator emits the synchronized messages through o1, o2, ... , oN respectively after the synchronization takes place. If no synchronization occurs then an empty message {} is emitted through o1, o2, ... , oN respectively.


id: The id of the operator

numPorts: The number of input ports. Default value: 2. Minimum value: 2.


import { Program, Join } from "@rtbot-dev/rtbot";

const id = "id";
const numPorts = 2;

const program = new Program();
program.addOperator(new Join(id, numPorts));