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Inputs: i1
Outputs: o1

Implements a classical auto-regressive model.

The AutoRegressive operator does not hold a message buffer on i1, so it emits a modified version of the message through o1 right after it receives a message on i1.

y(tn)=c1y(tn1)+...+cNy(ttN)y(t_n)=c_{1} y(t_{n-1}) + ... + c_N y(t_{t-N})


id: The id of the operator

coeff: The list of auto-regression coefficients.


import { Program, AutoRegressive } from "@rtbot-dev/rtbot";

const id = "id";
const coeff = [1.1,0.9];

const program = new Program();
program.addOperator(new AutoRegressive(id, coeff));