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Inputs: i1 i2
Outputs: o1

Synchronizes two streams (given by i1 and i2) and emits the addition of the values for a given tnt_n.

The synchronization mechanism is inherited from the Join operator. The Plus operator holds a message buffer on i1 and i2respectively, it emits a modified version of the synchronized messages from i1 and i2 as the addition of its values through o1 right after the synchronization takes place, if no synchronization occurs then an empty message {} is emitted through o1.

y(tn)=x1(tn)+x2(tn)y(t_n)=x_1(t_n) + x_2(t_n)


id: The id of the operator


import { Program, Plus } from "@rtbot-dev/rtbot";

const id = "id";

const program = new Program();
program.addOperator(new Plus(id));