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Inputs: i1
Outputs: o1

Computes the standard deviation (ED) within the time window specified by the provided integer (n).

The StandardDeviation operator holds a message buffer on i1 with a size defined by the length of the provided integer (n). Once the message buffer on i1 gets filled it calculates the ED and emits a message through o1 right after the message buffer on i1 gets filled. The value field of the emitted message is the calculated ED and the time field is the time of the newest message on the buffer.

y(tn)=i=1N(x(ti)xˉ)2N1y(t_n) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} (x(t_i) - \bar{x})^2}{N-1}


id: The id of the operator

n: The number of grid steps to use to compute the standard deviation.


import { Program, StandardDeviation } from "@rtbot-dev/rtbot";

const id = "id";
const n = 20;

const program = new Program();
program.addOperator(new StandardDeviation(id, n));